
沅錄興業有限公司專營真空電鍍、無塵烤漆塗裝、各類塑膠 (工程塑膠、塑鋼、ABS、尼龍、PP、PC等等....特殊材質表面處理開發) 金屬五金配件、玻璃瓶、真空電鍍、烤漆。

特殊材質標面處裡 : TOM、PEI、PSU、PBT、鎂合金....烤漆、真空電鍍。



Yulu Xingye Co., Ltd. specializes in vacuum plating, dust-free paint coating, all kinds of plastics (engineering plastic, plastic steel, ABS, nylon, PP, PC, etc.... special material surface treatment development) metal hardware accessories, glass bottles, Vacuum plating, baking finish.

In accordance with customer needs, special development of engineering plastics, POM, GB5H, vacuum plating and baking varnish. In addition to retaining the toughness and other characteristics of the original material, it can increase the appearance of the exposed part and increase its additional functions.

If you have any related needs, please call 04-7614919, our company will try our best to serve you, thank you!!!!